Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Summer of LeBron

On July 1st the NBA free agency period officially begins and the numerous teams with salary cap room will frantically set in motion the plans they have schemed for months to attempt to lure the top free agent stars to their cities.  There are a few teams, such as Miami, Chicago and New York, with enough cap room to lure in two max free agents at a price tag of about $16.5 million each, along with several other teams that can sign a max free agent while still putting some decent complementary pieces around them.
This free agency period is perhaps the most star studded class in league history, but everyone knows that it all starts with one man - LeBron James.  He is the first domino to fall, as other stars know that where he signs could drastically alter the landscape of the league. Some have even said they'd like to wait to see where he goes, as his decision may alter theirs.

Ever since Cleveland was eliminated from the postseason by the Boston Celtics the focus on LeBron has turned to where he will be playing next season.  His hometown team in Cleveland has long been considered the favorite to retain the 2 time reigning MVP, but given the disappointing ending to this past season and Cleveland's cap situation hindering their ability to make drastic improvements it seems more likely that LeBron will be packing his bags for another city if he truly intends on being a winner.  LeBron's priorities seem to be on winning a championship and cementing his legacy as a global icon.  Cleveland no longer appears to be the best place to achieve either of those goals.

It's not just NBA owners and GMs that will be attempting to attract LeBron.  Everyone from players to celebrities to the mysterious, yet highly influential, William "Worldwide Wes" Wesley have been in his ear trying to convince him on where to sign.  Ultimately this decision will be made by none other than James himself, who must now make perhaps the most important decision of his life.

Where he will sign is the big question, one which we aren't likely to get an answer to right away.  Here is a look at the possible destinations of James and some of the other top free agents on the market.

LeBron James
Likely Destination - Chicago: If he's willing to deal with living in MJ's shadow then the Bulls may offer him the best chance to win multiple championships.  They have a great young core with Rose and Noah as well as enough cap room to sign another max free agent, such as Bosh.  That supporting cast is far better than what he ever had in Cleveland, and likely better than what any other potential destination can put together.  They were a playoff team without him.  Adding himself to the mix, along with another All-Star sidekick, and they could be world beaters.
Alternative Options
  • Miami: He could join up with Wade and the team could potentially still have enough cap room to bring in Chris Bosh, forming a Big Three that would rival any the game has ever seen.  Unfortunately they wouldn't have a lot else to put around them.   But would that matter?  They could fill out the team with guys like Adam Morrision and Mikki Moore and still be a top contender with that trio leading the way.
  • Cleveland: It's the only team he's ever known, he has a great relationship with the organization and he's a local hero.  He also knows that his departure would be a devastating blow to a city that hasn't won a championship in any major sport since 1964.  They are also the only team that can offer him a 6th year, plus a larger annual raise that could make it worth as much as $30 million more over the course of the contract than what other teams can offer.  So, you know, if money is important then that's one other thing Cleveland has going for them.
  • New York: The bright lights of Broadway could lure him in.  The man wants to be known as a global icon, and what better place to do that than in New York?  LeBron would enjoy playing in Mike D'Antoni's player friendly system and he's familiar with the coach from their time with the team USA team.  They also can sign another max free agent to go along with some nice young role players like Danillo Gallinari.  Eddy Curry's expiring deal could be used to bring in more mid-season help if needed, or make them players again in next year's free agent class.
  • New Jersey: He could be the biggest thing to hit NJ since "The Situation" hit the Jersey Shore.  Their new Russian billionaire owner is looking to make a big splash and can entice James on his desire to become a global icon.  They already have a couple of good young All-Star caliber players in Brook Lopez and Devin Harris.  The idea of playing in NJ isn't exactly enticing, but they will be moving to Brooklyn in two years.
  • Dallas: They don't have the cap room, but they have some pieces to work with in a potential sign and trade deal.  Teaming with Dirk Nowitzki and Jason Kidd would make them instant favorites to win a  title.  Mavs owner Mark Cuban is a respected owner known to be willing to spend money to win.  If LeBron tells the Cavs he wants to go to Dallas they may have no choice but to work out a trade, or risk losing him for nothing.  Dallas could send Caron Butler and Erick Dampier's non-guaranteed contract for LeBron and one or two contracts that they would like to shed.  For the Cavs to agree they will need to ask for Rodrigue Beaubois, which could be a deal breaker.
  • LA Clippers: Just kidding!  LeBron is too smart to let his career be destroyed by the Clippers curse and their bumbling owner, Donald Sterling.
Dwayne Wade
Likely Destination - Miami: Hard to imagine Wade being anxious to leave the comforts of South Beach.  He's won a championship there already and is a local hero.  The team has good leadership, run by Pat Riley, and they have the cap room to bring in one, or perhaps two, other top free agents.  Wade's first option will be to try to help recruit another star or two to join him in Miami.  If they fail to do so then Wade may be forced to look elsewhere.  Despite his desire to stay there, his interest will quickly fade if they can't put together a roster that he believes can be a winner again.
Alternative Options
  • Chicago: He's originally from there and the team would love for him to come back home, especially if they can't land LeBron.  However, while Wade is a superstar player, he may not be the best fit for them.  While he's not a point guard, he is a player that needs to have the ball in his hands a lot, which takes away from what Derrick Rose brings to the team.  They both thrive by driving to the hoop and neither is much of a threat from shooting outside, making them less than ideal as a backcourt pair on a team that lacks outside shooters.
  • New York: If they fail to get LeBron then Wade would make for a nice Plan B.  If they can pair him with another star free agent and Miami fails to do so then Wade may be moving up north.
Chris Bosh
Likely Destination - Chicago: The correct answer should be wherever Lebron or Wade go, and Chicago is as likely a place as any to get one of them and still be able to afford Bosh.  Despite his desire to be "The Man" on whatever team he plays for, I think he proved in his years on mediocre Toronto teams that he won't get very far without some help from another superstar player.  Chicago is eager to get a low post scoring threat and Bosh would be an ideal fit in the front court along with defensive specialist Noah.
Alternative Options
  • Miami: If he's tired of the cold weather in Canada then he may want to move down south to join Wade and perhaps another top free agent.
  • New York: The Knicks plan to lure in LeBron James rests on their ability to also bring in another star.  Bosh seems to be at the top of that list, as he'd be a much better fit playing alongside James than Wade would be.  Joe Johnson is also rumored to be a target, and LeBron is said to be interested in teaming with him.
  • Houston or Dallas: This may be a bit of a reach since neither team has the cap room to do it, but he's from Texas and has expressed some desire to play there.  If one of these teams can get creative in a sign and trade deal with Toronto then they have a chance at him.
  • Toronto: Well they can offer him the most money... so there's that.  If Bosh wants to play for a contender then he won't be staying in Canada.  Their best hope is to use him in a sign and trade to try to get back some assets rather than lose him for nothing.  Perhaps the Bosh/Bynum swap with the Lakers that was rumored around last year's trade deadline could come back into play.
Joe Johnson
Likely Destination - New York: The Knicks fans biggest fear is that JJ could end up as their consolation prize in what they expect will be a big offseason for this team.  Even if they do get LeBron, Johnson would be a great player to team him with.  He's better when he doesn't have to be the team's go to scorer, and his outside shooting will help spread the floor for LeBron.  If James signs elsewhere then Johnson could still be joined in New York by another free agent.  Teaming back up with Amare Stoudamire under coach D'Antoni would work well for him.
Alternative Options
  • Chicago: They are in need of an outside shooter, which they never replaced after losing Ben Gordon last season.  He can let Rose handle the ball and wait for him to dish it off to him for open 3's all night long.
  • Atlanta: They still have a young, talented core that has improved in each of the past three seasons.  He might be willing to stick around to see if they can make another jump, but there are concerns that this group has a ceiling that falls short of a title.
Amare Stoudamire
Likely Destination - New York: His best years were under coach D'Antoni, so it makes sense to team back up with him again.  If they let David Lee walk then the team will need to replenish it's quota for a dominant big man that doesn't play defense.  Add in another scorer to join him and this run n' gun team would be fun to watch.
Alternative Options
  • Phoenix: They made it to the Western Conference finals last season, which would be hard to walk away from.  However, with Steve Nash not getting any younger the window to win is closing fast and Amare will not want to find himself on a rebuilding team halfway through this contract.  The annual rumors of the team trying to trade him that he has constantly dealt with, the owner's notoriously frugal reputation and GM Steve Kerr's sudden resignation may all work against them.
  • Miami: He's on the list of acceptable running mates that Wade would approve of in order to get him to stay.  He's a big upgrade over Jermaine O'Neal, although those injuries he has piled up in his career may end up turning him into O'Neal in the near future.
  • Chicago: They need a scoring big man and they were rumored to be interested in trading for him at least year's deadline.  Noah would help hide his defensive shortcomings and Rose could be his younger version of Nash.
Carlos Boozer
Likely Destination - Miami: The Big Three of James, Bosh and Wade being built in Miami seems a little too good to be true.  If that doesn't happen then Bosh may have to pick between joining Wade in Miami or following LeBron where he goes.  If he goes with LeBron then Wade will be looking for someone else to join him, ideally a big man that can score in the post when Wade is looking to dish the ball off.  Boozer would be a good fit there, and if everything breaks right regarding where other free agents sign then he may find himself in South Beach.
Other Options
  • Utah - They have a pretty good team there already and he would get to stay with one of the top point guards in the league in Derron Williams.  However, the team seems content on letting him walk away and have confidence that Paul Milsap can replace most, if not all, of the production Boozer provided.
  • New York - If they strike out with other free agents then they may feel compelled to spend their money on someone.  Boozer has shown in his career that he'll follow the money (ask Cleveland), but the Knicks fast break style may not be the best fit for Boozer, who has struggled in the past with various injuries.
  • Chicago - Their free agency campaign should have a banner that reads Needed: Any big man that can score.  Boozer may not be their first choice, but he is on the list of big men they will be looking at.
David Lee
Likely Destination - New Jersey: Lee isn't the sexiest name on the free agent list, so he may need to wait a while to sign while teams target other players with a higher priority than him.  Hard to believe that can be said about a guy that averaged around 20 points and 12 rebounds.  While you can argue those numbers may be slightly inflated by the Knicks up tempo style, there is no denying Lee's talent and that he could put up good numbers just about anywhere.  His preference is to stay in New York, but the Knicks seem determined to bring in a flashier name with all the money they have to spend.  Nearby NJ might be an acceptable alternative for him, especially since they will soon be moving to Brooklyn.
Alternative Options
  • Knicks: It would be his first choice if they'll have him.  He would continue to put up big numbers in their up tempo system and he seems to like the big city.
  • Toronto: He could be used in a sign in trade for the Knicks to get Bosh, but for that to happen Lee would need to agree to go to Toronto, which seems a lot less likely than Bosh wanting to go to NY.
Ray Allen
Likely Destination - Boston: It would be hard to break up the band when they were minutes away from winning a second NBA title in three years.  It's true that this aging roster may be nearing an end to it's run, but then again so is Ray's career.  He seems comfortable in Boston and has expressed is desire to stay.  His decision may be impacted by whether or not Paul Pierce and coach Doc Rivers decide to stay as well, but as long as they can keep their core together than Ray will stay.  He may even be willing to take slightly less to stay in a good situation, say $10 million a year for 2 years, which would allow his contract to expire again at the same time that Kevin Garnett's does.
Alternative Options
  • Chicago: This team could use some veteran leadership as well as an outside shooter.  Ray is one of the game's best shooters and would fill a big need for them, particularly since Derrick Rose has yet to develop much of an outside game.
  • Oklahoma City: They are a talented young team that could use a veteran that is playoff tested and has a ring already.  They have some cap room, but are reluctant to use it.  Allen would be a cheaper alternative than blowing the money on one of the high tier free agents, and he likely would require a short term contract that could come off the books in time to free up money needed to re-sign some of their young players.
Rudy Gay
Likely Destination - Memphis: Gay is a Restricted Free Agent, meaning that Memphis is allowed to match any offer that he receives in order to keep him.  This gives them an advantage if they truly want to keep him, and ownership has publicly stated they are willing to match any offer.  Still, this is a team that historically has been stubborn about spending money and has been more likely to trade away their talent rather than break the bank on re-signing them (which explains why the Lakers have been to the Finals three straight years after robbing the Grizzlies of Pau Gasol).  If another team is willing to overpay for him then Memphis will be hard pressed to match.  With so many teams with cap space, the ones that lose out will have the money to spend to overpay someone like Gay to ensure they don't end up empty handed.
Alternative Options
  • LA Clippers: They have some talent to start with, including Baron Davis, Eric Gordon, Blake Griffin and Chris Kaman.  Their starting unit is missing a Small Forward and Gay would be a perfect fit.  They have money to spend, and after LeBron laughs in their face at the idea of having his paychecks signed by Donald Sterling then they may turn to Gay as their backup plan.  None of the other top free agents after LeBron can play the SF position, which is their biggest need.  Most of the top free agents will shy away from the Clippers, but Memphis isn't exactly the best run organization in the league, so he may see the idea of playing in a city like LA as an upgrade.
  • New York: If LeBron is plan A and Joe Johnson is Plan B, then Gay must be Plan C.  Not what they were hoping for, but they could do worse.
Other notable players that have early termination options that could potential make them free agents include Dirk Nowitzki, Paul Pierce and Yao Ming.  None of them are likely to leave their current teams.  If they do opt out of their current deals it likely would only be to re-sign a longer term deal with the team before the new collective bargaining agreement takes effect after next season.

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